Patron Saint

Francis de sales was declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Blessed Pius IX in 1877. In 1923, Francis was recognized as the patron saint of writers and journalists by Pope Pius XI. The Salesians of Don Bosco, the Oblates of Saint Francis de Sales,... More+


What is catechizing?
“Catechism” comes from a Greek word used in the Bible, katacgeo, which means “instructed” (Luke 1.4). Catechism is a question and answer method of instruction in basic Christian doctrines; it forms a conceptual framework for personal interaction with the Scriptures. The series of questions and answers develops a fundamental understanding of God, man, sin, Christ, faith, repentance, prayer, the Bible, the church, and haven and hell. Each answer in the catechism is supported by Scripture references.

Why is catechizing important?
Catechizing is a proven method of instruction. Generations of Christians have passed on the content of the faith to their children. The Bible places the responsibility of Christian education on Christian parents. Children trained in the catechism develop an articulate Christian worldview in an age of subjective irrationality.

Special Mass for children is held every Sunday in the Kannada Medium school followed by Catechism classes in the school campus.